February 2023 Council Highlights
The monthly meeting of Hope Lutheran’s Church Council was hybrid, held Tuesday, February 21, 2023 in Hope’s conference room.
Maintenance Day: Help keep our campus beautiful, inside and out, by joining our Maintenance Day on the first Saturday of each month. Thank you to our Property and Grounds team for this inspiration.
Heating Repairs: The HVAC systems that keep Katie’s Crib and the women’s restroom warm in the winter and cool in the summer are scheduled to be replaced in March. Our Property and Grounds team budgets for repairs like this each year.
Church Picnic: Save the Date! Our Church Picnic will be Sunday, May 7th, 2023. It will include a worship service, potluck, bounce house, and Bluegrass band.
Date: Sunday, May 7th
Time: 9:30 am – 2 pm
Location: Dry Creek Park at Clovis and Alluvial
Offerings are Down: Hope Matters and your support helps make Hope Happen. 2023 offering envelopes will be available in the Narthex. The link to Online Giving is on our webpage.
Volunteer Opportunities: The following teams and ministries can use your help!
Homebound Ministers (Contact persons: Ed Nelson or Becky Russler)
Personnel Team (Contact person: Ryan Groft or Amanda Berryhill)
Property and Grounds (Contact person: Barbara Cowart)
Sound Techs for Sunday Worship (Contact person: Rachael Groeneweg)
Call Team: Work continues. Watch for an opportunity to review and approve our Site Ministry Profile sometime in March.
March Congregation Meeting: Our annual congregation meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 12, 2023 after the service.