Worship Services​
Live Stream
Prayer Requests
(Blue Cards)
We have one worship service at 9:30 am, followed by Education Hour (Adult AM Bible Study and Sunday School at 10:45 am).
We also have a Jazz Mass service every first Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm, with a break during the Summer months. This will resume September 1, 2024.
We have talented musicians at Hope on our staff and in our congregation. As such, the musical genre of our services will vary from week-to-week. Sometimes it will be more traditional, with organ, piano, choir, and bell choir. Other days, it will be more contemporary with our New Hope Band, and other times it will be a blend of all of the above and more! The important part is that we come together as God's people to worship: one bread, one body.
Hope Lutheran is located at 5435 N Fresno Street on the northwest corner of Fresno Street and Barstow Avenue.
We have plenty of on campus parking under our solar panels structure, but should you need it, overflow parking is available either at the office complex immediately north of our campus or just south of our campus across Barstow Ave.​
We broadcast our Worship services online each week. Usually it is our Sunday Services @ 9:30am we broadcast, however special events or special memorials are also broadcasted. You can join us on either Facebook Live or YouTube. Click HERE to connect with our YouTube channel.
For our members and guests watching us online, we have a virtual "Blue Card" available to use to submit your prayers concerns, comments and requests as well as address / phone / email changes. These cards safely and privately goto our staff for handling. Click HERE to goto our virtual "Blue Card".​
What to Expect
When you join us on a Sunday morning, you can expect to be greeted warmly as you enter our church. You will be given a bulletin with some announcements and the order for worship and invited to find a seat. During worship, the great majority of what you need to know will be up on our projection screens and our Pastor along with our worship leaders will provide directions as well. Just follow along, you’ll do great! Holy Communion is celebrated every week and all are invited to participate. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask an usher or you can call the church office ahead of time. We look forward to meeting you and worshipping with you.